UBUNTU In Action TM 


A Creative Team Building Program.

“Less me, more we.”

African Proverb


UBUNTU: A South African word that means, in essence, “I am because we are” and a philosophy that shows that the diminishment or elevation of any one person means the diminishment or elevation of everyone. UBUNTU is becoming a popular international symbol for unity and group solidarity and an organizing concept for teams of all kinds.

(The 2008 NBA Champion Boston Celtics, would chant “Ubuntu!” as they broke from 

team huddles.)



The “UBUNTU in Action TM” program will help individuals, teams and organizations truly move from a “ME”, to a “WE” approach and will assist each person in exhibiting more “Team Friendly” traits such as empathy, humility, respect, compassion, unselfishness, courtesy, generosity, support for others, cooperation, sharing of credit, putting team needs ahead of personal needs, cherishing differences and more.

NOTE: UBUNTU values are not just “feel good” – practice of them inevitably leads to “hard” business results such as higher productivity, better customer service, more creative solutions, better quality and higher revenues.   

More Than Hope


Most organizations “Hope” that their employees will be good team players, but spend little to no time and money teaching and rewarding them for such. UBUNTU in Action TM will give organizations a concrete way to create the team players it needs

Dynamic Learning


Teams will learn UBUNTU principles not through dull lecture, but through exciting group activities that dramatically illustrate the power of team effort, plus, focused debriefs that make explicit connections to real world situations. Our guarantee is that: No one will ever be bored in this program.


Although UBUNTU has a “core” taught to all groups, each program will be customized to the people or teams participating. Dynamic Learning staff will meet with leaders or team members before the program is presented to find out what messages they most want to highlight and reinforce for that particular group.

 OPTION: UBUNTU for Team Leaders


Dynamic Learning can do an UBUNTU program for executives, managers, supervisors, coaches and team leaders of all kinds. The seminar focuses on how UBUNTU principles and skills can be applied by those responsible for building teams and for making the teams productive, customer centered and profitable.



Poetry in Motion 


A Unique Program for Building Leadership

and Team Work Skills


What Business Communicators can learn from poets (including song writers, rappers, and lyrical story tellers) 

“For new perspectives on a field, look outside the field.” (Thomas Edison)




Throughout history, poets (including song writers, rappers, and lyrical story tellers, etc.) have been key players in times of transition and change, articulating present needs and problems; uncovering and questioning assumptions preventing progress; painting vivid, emotion packed pictures of possible futures and solutions; bringing people together and creating commitment to important missions and causes.



Premise: Poets possess exactly the thinking and communication skills needed by leaders and team player in the 21st century. “Poetry in Motion” will teach leaders and team members to think with the creativity and fluency of artists; to embrace uncertainty, ambiguity, paradox, and continuous change as all creators must do; and to use communication skills that touch head and heart, reason and emotion (concrete language, metaphor, vivid imagery, parables, compact lines and messages, strategic ambiguity, paradox, riddles, humor, word play, and more.) These communication skills are rarely taught explicitly in business seminars, but are used intuitively by successful leaders and team players.



The thinking and expression skills of poets can make business people more effective at: getting attention; motivating; selling; persuading; negotiating; coaching; teaching; building team spirit and creating cohesive groups, etc. 



Experiential Poetry Activities




American poet Theodore Roethke said “You can’t learn poetry through lecture.” We believe you can’t learn leadership or team building skills that way either. To that end, participants will be engaged in what we call Experiential Poetry Activities – engaging, energizing exercises that teach concepts and skills through action. These activities do not require anyone to write poetry, but rather capture and teach skills of poets applicable in business. We have developed over 50 hands on activities and guarantee: You will never be bored in this program!




Who Should Attend?




Anyone in any kind of leadership position; team leaders and coaches; functioning teams that want to build unity and skill; corporate trainers and anyone looking for new and effective ways to teach others and instigate change.



Customized Programs




Before a “Poetry in Motion” program, we will talk with key players, to ensure that the material is “customized” to your culture and the needs of the participants.



Length of Programs




“Poetry in Motion” can be done in 1, 2, or 3 day time periods.






Satisfaction guaranteed or training fee refunded.






For more information or to schedule “Poetry In Motion tm” 

Contact Timothy Rumsey at:



Telephone:  (321) 279-2717              Email: timothyrumsey@yahoo.com




 Poet, Story Teller, Corporate Trainer

Tim Rumsey, President of Dynamic Learning has been a poet and story teller as well as a corporate trainer for over 25 years. Tim is the creator of 3 CD's:

1.) The Angel of the Lost People and Other Story Poems.

2.) Second Star to the Right and Straight on Till Morning and Other Story Poems.

3.) The Unboxable Man and Other Dream Stories.

Tim is a pioneer in integrating the knowledge and skills possessed by poets and story tellers with the business needs of leaders and team players in the corporate world.

Poetry in the Corporate World?

Too many people still have stereotypes of poetry acquired in middle school English class, and are not yet aware of the powerful tools of language, imagery, metaphor, story telling, and more that make poetry a valuable resource for corporate leaders and team players. As one example, Please read "Think Different", a poem from the Apple Computer Company It is posted below. Dynamic Learning will have leaders and team players read this poem and talk about how it applies to their business and their real world demands.



Think Different

(Apple Computer Ad Campaign)

Here’s to the crazy ones.

The misfits.

The rebels.

The troublemakers.

The round pegs in the square holes.

The ones who see things differently. 

They’re not fond of rules.

And they have no respect for the status quo. You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them,

disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.

About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them.

Because they change things.

They invent.    

They imagine.    

They heal.

They explore.    

They create.    

They inspire.

They push the human race forward.

Maybe they have to be crazy.

How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?

Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written?

Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?

We make tools for these kinds of people.

While some see them as the crazy ones,

we see genius.

Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.



Audience - Involvement , Keynotes 

and Conference Events

45 to 90 minute experiences where audiences learn through active participation. For any size group. Forget the old fashioned "Speech" or "Presentation", where speakers talk and refer to power point slides while the audience listens passively. Get your audience involved! Dynamic Learning will orchestrate events where participants learn by active involvement. Keynote and conference sessions will be customized to meet the needs of the specific group and conference theme. Audience involvement programs are great ways to:

  •  "Kick Off" a conference or meeting.
  •  "Close Out" a conference or meeting.
  • Energize people at any point in the conference.




Spoken Word Show

One of a kind corporate entertainment and learning event. "Spoken Word" is a fast growing form of entertainment that is a dramatic mix of performance poetry, theater and story telling. A show is inspiring, enlightening and the performance can be "customized" to your conference theme. Come hear some of the best spoken word performers in the country.  

Who Done it?

An Exciting Team Building Event: Solve a Murder Mystery

Forget the boring Power Point Presentations: get the audience involved in a challenging, learning – rich team building event. “Who Done It?” is for groups of 20 up to hundreds and teaches lessons about communication, collaboration, breaking down silos, creative problem solving, trust and other important leadership and teamwork issues. Unlike many corporate murder mystery games, this involves no “acting” or “role playing”. Participants have real clues and a real problem to solve.